
Friday, December 16, 2011

Lebanon to Bathroom Would Be Better If

"I know you did "Lebanon Would Be Better If" ...
and then at the 'Market Cities' exhibit we did a 'New York would be
better if' ...
at the end of November / early December I saw this in the ladies room
on the same floor where the exhibit had been ...

so goes the idea ... round and round ... thought you would like to see this ..."

This is an email I received from Manizeh from New York.

The idea has potential, and I'm so glad it's not copyrighted. It actually has a Creative Commons license.

Which means it encourages people to steal the idea, remix it and share it.

I am working on a project to make that even easier.

It won't be published until mid 2012.

Until then, there will always be the Free Kit at


[repost from]